
After a successful message send on your server, the callback function callback_ReceivedMessage() is called. So under Scripts/Rocket Networking/Callback Functions , you can edit this to do whatever you want…

Example Implementation of callback

  • In a shooter game, if you hit another player, you want to inform them that their health reduced right?

  • You can send a message called "damage"

  • The receiver can see the message and use the switch statement to reude their player's health by 10 if the message is "damage"

function callback_ReceivedMessage(theMessage , senderClientId){
		case "damage":
		oPlayer.myHealth -= 10
		if(oPlayer.myHealth <= 0){
			show_message("YOU DIED")


More Complex Systems

As I talked about a switch statement here, you can make a full event based system encoded in the message.

To do that, you can make a struct and stringify it and send it over to the reciever.

var structToSend = {
    eventName : "damage",
    value : 10
SendMessageToClient(5 , json_stringify(structToSend))
//this sends a strigified version of that struct to client id 5

On any reciever's screen, you have to reduce the health right? So you can do this in the calback_ReceivedMessage() script

function callback_ReceivedMessage(theMessage , senderClientId){
	var realData = json_parse(theMessage)
		case "damage":
		oPlayer.myHealth -= realData.value
		if(oPlayer.myHealth <= 0){
			show_message("YOU DIED")


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