Admin Callbacks
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Last updated
Admin callbacks are used by RNet to inform you, the developer of a game about some alert regarding RNet. You must hide these alerts from actually showing in production but you can use them to inform your players.
For example if your Server is in full CCU capacity, you can show a temporary message to the end user like "Try again in a few minutes..."
Invalid global.SERVERID. Please make sure this is your Server ID shown on the website! If you are unsure, just generate a new one and delete all previous ones. This callback can happen during any action if the server id is found to be invalid.
Server has reached maximum client capacity. This is shown if someone calls ConnectToServer()
but the server has max CCU.
ONLY On public server, there exists a limit on how many entities each client can have (100). This is shown if someone tries to make a new instance of oMyEntity. It will exist on their end but will not be created for others.
ONLY On public server, there exists a limit on how many persistent objects can exist. It is 10 times the CCU. This is shown if someone tries to make a new RNet Persistent Object. It will not be created and this error will be shown.